Description: Swish CMS is a dynamic flash content management system based on Swishmax, MySQL 3 and PHP4. Package Details: Interface Native Dimensions: 900x590px Total Package Zip Size (With Modules): 4.9 MB Index Source Size (SWI): 1.93 MB Index Compiled Size (SWF Loaded in index): 127k Main Features: Encrypted Logins (SQL) Sessions (SQL) User cookies Dynamic download section (SQL, 50 slots) Stealth Downloads with User Gate feature (anti-leech) Dynamic Paypal Store (SQL, 50 slots) External Theme System (SQL, 10 slots) Auto generated admin notifiers Chatterbox Shoutbox/Chatbox (SQL) Streaming MP3 player (SQL, 50 slots) Admin configurable Main Menu Extensive user tracking and logs Who's Online w/Area Draggable side blocks with self fired backgrounds and return feature User email confirmations Web based sql installer - just fill in the blanks Code: